Vulnerable Learners

At Widcombe CofE Junior School, we are committed to providing a broad and engaging education full of opportunities. We ensure all pupils, including those who are vulnerable or are experience disadvantage, are prepared for their future and have equitable outcomes compared with their non-disadvantaged peers.  We aim to provide a supportive, nurturing and inclusive Christian ethos that encourages them to be the ‘best they can be’. We strive to inspire and develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full, and strong consideration is given to the allocation of resources to support this vision. Our philosophy is firmly grounded in the idea that what is helpful for all is harmful for none.

When making decisions about using pupil premium funding, careful consideration is made to the context of our school and challenges that our pupils face. Not all pupils who receive free school meals are socially disadvantaged and not all disadvantaged pupils qualify for free school meals. We aim to ensure that over the time every pupil receives the opportunities and support needed to flourish.

As a school we are proactive in identifying children who may be experiencing disadvantage this may be through discussion with our pupils, families and staff as well as use of the vulnerability index calculator to ensure that vulnerability is not missed.  Evidence-based research is used to support school decisions regarding the most effective provision and strategies for children experiencing disadvantage.  This is continually reviewed and adapted to ensure the well-being and success of our pupils.

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