Breakfast Club, After-School and Holiday Care

We offer a range of Extended Services, this means that we signpost, or have arranged provision of childcare at the beginning and end of the school day, as well as providing an extensive range of after-school clubs, and making use of our school building as a venue for the local community.

Following is some information about organisations that provide out of hours care provision on our school site or locally.


Widcombe Infants School Breakfast Club

A breakfast club is available at Widcombe Infants. It runs from 7.30 until the start of the school day, children can arrive at any time during the session. Junior children are accompanied across the road by staff. Each session costs £5.50.
To book call: 
01225421998Or email: 

Sparks Sports and Coaching

Sparks Sports and Coaching deliver our sports after-school clubs. Clubs are booked and paid for using their website. After-school clubs finish at 4.30pm and Sparks offer an extended childcare service from 4.30 to 5.30pm, a drink and snack are included in this service. For more information visit

Mulberry After-School Club

This club runs from 3.15 to 5.30pm at Widcombe Infants School. Children will be picked up from the Juniors. A range of activities are offered and children will be encouraged to complete their homework. A snack tea will be provided.

To book email :
 or call: 07789 860070

Further Information

Further information on childcare, after school childcare, parenting support and playschemes can be obtained from the BANES Council’s Family Information Service. They are contactable by telephone on 01225 394041email  or visit One Stop Shop, 3-4 ManversStreet, Bath, BA1 1JQ.

The Banes Childcare search will help you identify a range of childcare choices in our area, their website can be found at 

Childcare in B&NES | Live Well in Bath & North East Somerset


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