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Learners with SEN
At Widcombe CofE Junior School, we strive to support all our children and enable them to reach their full potential at school. In order to do this, many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. Our universal offer focused on high quality teaching is vital; however, for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets.
See SEND report attached:
As an example, lessons can be adapted to ensure all learners needs are met. Although the following is not exhaustive, below are some strategies that may support our approach to Reading (within lessons):
- Pre-teach vocabulary
- Pre-teach text
- Adaptive/translated text
- Sentence stems for verbal/written responses
- Coloured overlays
- Bespoke curriculum
- Directed adult support
In addition, pupils are able to access a range of sensory support including a Thrive box in each year group containing regulating activities, sensory circuits either with adult support or independently (having been taught by an adult) and additional equipment to support learning, for example: additional chair support, wobble cushions, wedges, chair bands or workstations.