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Teaching and Learning
Our approach to teaching and learning is informed by Rosenshine’s ‘Principles of Instruction’ and is captured within our Blueprint for Learning. This is woven implicitly into lessons and class teachers will use their professional judgement when planning lessons considering where each learner is on the cycle to ensure tailored provision for all.
Blueprint for Learning:
Task Design
Our expectation is for all children to think hard during lessons and therefore our staff carefully consider the tasks which they provide as simply doing an activity does not equate to understanding. Tasks could include opportunities for activating interest, interaction, variation, reasoning and repetition.
Retrieval Practice is a technique which enables children to recall what they have learnt. It strengthens knowledge retention and encourages learners to engage with and use new skills and knowledge. Retrieval practice tasks give opportunities for children to recall and summarise using their long-term memory. Retrieval practice forms a crucial part of the assessment cycle.
Pedagogical Principles
In addition to our Blueprint for Learning, educators should apply the following core principles